It's presidential primary season. So it's time for editorial cartoons featuring the states that are holding primaries. We'll start, of course, with Iowa: 
This one is by Marshall Ramsey... and I'm pretty sure it's about the fractured nature of the GOP party voting... although I'm not quite getting the debris falling...? Is that emblematic of deteriorating GOP cohesion?
This anthropomorphized Iowa is Daryl Cagle commenting on the craziness that is the states competing to be the first to hold presidential primaries. I gotta agree that jockeying for position is beyond silly. I wonder which state is the most difficult to anthropomorphize? Which one is the easiest?
This one is by Bob Gorrell... clever little pun I suppose.
And back to Daryl Cagle again, this time presaging what we all know comes next: Next Tuesday's two-fer will focus on New Hampshire!
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