
Saturday, July 19, 2014

Osher Map Library

Frequent guest Amanda provided us with this collection of USA-map-themed political cartoons from the Osher Map Library at the Smith Center for Cartographic Education at the Univeristy of Southern Maine:

“Anywhere, Everywhere, Any Time, All The Time” --- A 1999 Herblock Cartoon, copyright by The Herb Block Foundation. This cartoon was originally published in The Washington Post (4 November 1999), accompanying an article by Eleanor Holmes Norton.

"Reagan $3 Trillion Debt, Bush No New Taxes" --- A 1999 Herblock Cartoon, copyright by The Herb Block Foundation. Originally published January 31st 1990.

Christophe Vorlet. Untitled. The Washington Post (11 December 1994), accompanying the article by Theodre K. Rabb, “Whose History? Where Critics of the New Standards Flunk Out.”

Christophe Vorlet. Muni Bonds. (8 June 2012). Accompanied an article by Jason Zweig entitled How Long Will the Tax Break On Municipal Bonds Last?

Christophe Vorlet. Biased Media. Published in the Los Angeles Times (12 February 2006). Accompanied an article by Robert C.J. Parry entitled The war you didn't see.

Christophe Vorlet. The Great Recession. 2008.

Christophe Vorlet. Bombing Iran. Published in The Progressive ( October 2009. Accompanied an article by Matthew Rothschild entitled Bush's Iran War Plans.

Christophe Vorlet. Healthcare. Published in The Progressive accompanying an article entitled Fix the Prescriptions.

Christophe Vorlet. Untitled. Published in The Chronicle of Higher Education (12 March 1999). Accompanied an article by Allen E. Goodman entitled America Is Devaluing International Exchanges for Students and Scholars.

Christophe Vorlet. Hegemony. Published in The Chronicle Review (15 February 2008). Accompanied an article by Karen J. Winkler entitled The End of American Hegemony?

Christophe Vorlet. Macroeconomics. Published in The Boston Globe (12 June 2009). Accompanied an article by Sunsa Dudley and Jeff Rosen entitled Watch for hidden taxes.

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