
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Hell in a handbasket

For today's Two-fer Tuesday here's a pair of comics illustrating the oft-repeated of "The world is going to hell in a handbasket":
This first one is by Mike Puckett and is the classic interpretation of the concept.

This second one is from The Argyle Sweater by Scott Hilburn.

The last one is by Ronaldo Dias... although it's not a "Hell in a handbasket" theme, but rather simply a little devil at play.... it does kinda make one wonder how and/or why would it be sitting in heaven doing that?  And what's with the triangular halo?

I do want to mention here that I don't care for the "Hell in a bandbasket" type sentiments... that attitude that the world just keeps getting worse and worse.  It turns out that the opposite is true... and this can be factually demonstrated in any number of ways.  A good place to start would be Steven Pinker:

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