
Friday, January 14, 2011

Worst case

We'll finish the week with another XKCD by Randall Munroe.  That map of Louisiana is nice, but somewhat inaccurate.  I had a geology professor in college who could accurately draw a very quick California coastline on a chalkboard in a single swipe.  Always impressive. 
 Go to the actual xckd site, hover over the image, and there will be an additional message in the "title-text" . This one says:
To get serious analyses of hurricanes and oil slicks, see Jeff Masters' blog. To get serious discussions of worst-case scenario thinking, see Bruce Schneier's blog. To get enough Vitamin D, don't read any blogs and go outside instead.
So here's Jeff Master's blog, and Bruce Schneier's blog.  And I'm going to step outside for a bit ...even though it's cold, cloudy, windy, threatening to snow, and in winter it's impossible to produce vitamin D from the sun if you live north of Phoenix because the sun never gets high enough in the sky for its ultraviolet B rays to penetrate the atmosphere.... it's just that going outside sometimes is a good thing to do no matter what.  You should do the same. 

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