
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wikileaks (finally)

Wikileaks' Official Logo
I'm a a bit overdue on this one. Because the Wikileaks logo incorporates a map, many of the rash of editorial cartoons that inevitably resulted from the controversy that Wikileaks dusted up involved a map theme... although the number which used the Wikileaks logo is actually rather few. But since there's a lot of them, I'm going to post them all, small-like, and you can click on any that you'd like to see larger (hit back to get back to this page):
Mike Luckovich

Mark Lynch
Gable (The Globe and Mail, Toronto, Canada)

Joel Pett (Lexington Harold-Leader)
Chavez (El Tiempo, Honduras)

John Sherffius (Boulder Camera)

If you find any more map-themed Wikileaks editorial cartoons I may have missed, please let me know.

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