
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Dick Tracy

Here's a great "inside comics" gag by Jeff Stahler making fun of the zombie-comic Dick Tracy. In fact a recent Dick Tracy strip does actually show Dick Tracy using a cell phone. Why he didn't use his wristwatch phone is anybody's guess. Dick Tracy strips have been non-sensical and technologically obselete for decades now.

P.S. Zombie-comic means it was created long ago and its relavance to modern times has long since expired, and the original creators have been dead for years, decades even, but somehow the comic persists, often taking up valuable print space which could be better served by works from newer, better artists. But whenever a newspaper's features editior tries to get rid of the seemlingly past-its-prime strip, an army of beligerant (usually elderly) fans rise up to keep the strip alive. Dick Tracy is a perfect example of this and his excessively violent tactics and non-sensical plotlines are wonderfully lampooned in several places around the Internet. My favorite is The Comics Curmudgeon, where Mr. Tracy shows up for regular trouncings.

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