
Monday, March 30, 2009


Here's another XKCD strip suggested to us, this time by Tanya Haddad. It truly is a marvelous webcomic.

Of course the reasoning behind this designation of West vs. East is due to it being a solidly Euro-centric concept, with most of Russia's land mass, of not sometimes Russia itself, as being "East". The West vs. East dichotomy is too simplistic to account for most human goings on. This map by Samuel Huntington at Wikipedia has a more complex arrangement, though it's probably too simplistic as well. But then again, that's what maps do: Simplify the world around us. Is that a benefit or a flaw? Both of course. 

Go to the actual xckd site, hover over the image, and there will be an additional message in the "title-text" . This one says:
Also, is it just me, or do Japan and New Zealand look suspiciously similar? Has anyone seen them at a party together?

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